Personalised astrology natal chart


Made to order, usually 1-2 weeks.
Your personalised grid will be roughly 16x16x1cm but may vary a little.
An astrology natal chart is a map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun at the exact moment you were born.

6 in stock

SKU MCCG-1 Category


Personalised Astrology Natal Chart
In your order notes please provide your birth time, date and location. 

Your personalised astrology natal chart is hand engraved on a natural wood slice. I create them using a pyrography pen, which burns the design into the wood so it lasts forever.

To bring out the grain of the wood I finish each piece with a coating of eco friendly, matte varnish.

Every slice of wood has its own colouring, shape and texture. Your chart displays the exact position of each planet at the moment you were born. Including which house, sign and degree that each planet is sitting in and the way they interact with other, to make you uniquely you. 

What is an astrology natal chart?

A natal chart, also called a birth chart, is a map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun at the exact moment you were born. You can tell so much from your astrology natal chart including your personality traits, shadow aspects, karmic destiny, relationship needs, gifts and talents and even details about your past life.

To calculate your astrology birth chart, I’ll need your birth time, date and location. Please put these in your order notes.

Or find me on Instagram where you can message me directly.

Learn more about reading your natal chart here.


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