The Moon gives you permission to pull down the walls you have built and take a peek at what’s behind them. She allows you to truly surrender to the emotion of it all and take a swim in the full depth of who you really are.

The Moon wants you to know how wonderfully powerful and magical you are. She is calling you to reclaim the most hidden or unappreciated parts of you. It’s time to integrate your darkness into your light. It’s called Divine alchemy and it’s true magic.

Are you ready to embrace your inner Wild woman?

Hello, I’m Gina

Moon enthusiast, nature lover and creative.

Allowing myself to be guided by the Moon, Mother Nature  and her seasons, has enabled me to learn so much about myself. As a human, as a woman, about my body, my creativity, my deepest desires, my hidden needs and my powerful magic too.

I’d love to share what I have learned with you.

The seasons of both the Moon and Earth are powerful Divine Feminine forces. They are here to align you into a more rhythmic and natural way of living. They are available at any time for you to tap into and embrace; their ebbs and flows giving you something to hold onto for guidance during the waves of your own life.

Are you ready to learn?

Join The Coven

In this supportive email based community, we celebrate the power of Divine Feminine energy, embracing the wisdom of the Moon cycle and Earths seasons as our guide.

Together we explore each energy shift and aligned techniques for self care. Be the first to know when each circle, meditation practice, workshop or new offering is taking place, Together we can embark on a transformative journey of self discovery and personal growth, tapping into the wellspring of our inner magic.


Shop The Apothecary

When I spend time wandering through nature, inspiration begins to flow.

The colours, the textures, the scents, there are so many things to be found in the most intricate of details when you take the time to go looking.

The Apothecary contains my selection of hand made and hand picked range of magical tools inspired by the Moon cycle and seasonal cycle, crafted to support your journey.


Retail Events

If I’m not out exploring the wild countryside somewhere, you can catch me at all kinds of events across England.

If you’d like to get a feel for my ritual tools and creations in person, I’d love to meet you at one of my retail event locations.


Magic from Instagram